I'm going to poetry jail

 I'm off to join the convicts,

because I know I'm going to jail.

I know I promised myself and the world,

I wouldn't write poems about any friend,

but I have,

I just can't help myself,

so poetry jail will be my end.

I hope to make new friends in there,

someone new to write about.

I hope my words will make them sing and laugh,

and dance and jump about.

I hope I don't upset anyone,

I don't want to get thrown out.

Because where do you go after jail,

when you can no longer stay,

where do the fallen poets go,

when their words cause outrage and dismay.

Is there a dark and dreary dungeon,

where ostracised wordsmiths dwell?

A place to sit and mutter,

a room that smells like hell.

Even though my subjects were anonymous,

you could still guess their names,

I always new my verses were dicey,

but I still played that tricky, slippery game.

My editor tried to warn me,

but her words sailed straight past my ear,

"people can get upset,

so stop making fun of them with your words,

I'm warning you for the final time,

to please, please do beware."

Of course I bloody ignored her words,

I paid her warning little heed,

casting silly words around,

until they all caught up with me,

so now I'm going to bleed.

For finally I've written something,

and the person did not find it funny,

that I'd dramatized their misfortune

And even made some money.

"Well, that's what paparazzi do,"

I said in my defense,

"You hypocrites who laugh at other people,

from the safe side of your fence."

I'm being charged with sarcasm,

and also mirth and slander.

As well as trying to bribe the judge,

Who refused my generous back-hander.

So off I go to Poetry Prison.

I'm being locked up for a year,

they're denying me internet, pens and paper,.

for my entire time in there.

They're going to be bloody sorry,

when I finally get out,

because I'll hide behind a non-de plume

and use the internet to troll, and curse and laugh at,

all those stuffy fudgers that I missed out.



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