Feminism has a new enemy

FEMINISM -  the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. Although largely originating in the West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented by various institutions committed to activity on behalf of woman's rights and interests.

Just for something different, I thought I would tackle one of society's biggest sacred cows, feminism. Note, sacred cow, not bull, though some of those bulls might get knocked out during my musings - using strong words, of course, not bullets.

I grabbed this simple definition of feminism from the Britannica site, hopefully a woman wrote it but it seems to sum it all up in a few brief sentences - social, economic, political equality and the right to make decisions regarding healthcare, our bodies, employment opportunities, etc. All the things our strong matriarchs have fought for and won in the past 100 years or more. Women now have a stronger voice, and we may even see a woman President in the United States next month. New Zealand has already had several women Prime Ministers and parliamentary members. Even Israel, the holy land of patriarchy, had Golda Meir in the late 60's to early 70's. Well done girls! A positive example of women in power. No female Pope yet, but that can't be far away.

"A feminist is anyone who recognises the equality and full humanity of women and men,” said Gloria Steinman. Very good! Women and men are equals and should all be treated as such by one another.  And this is where, I personally think, that feminism fell down a little bit. Unfortunately, they had to be "as badass as men" to win this equality/power. In doing so, men were (not unfairly) emasculated and woman who didn't conform to this new way of feminist thinking and behaviour, were marginalized and scorned by their sisters. If a woman wanted to continue being a housewife, that's fine, let her be this. If another woman wanted to shave her legs and armpits, let her. It's OK, it's only hair. And vice versa, of course. Forcing feminism on woman, whether they needed it or not, was not another woman's call. Hating men for continuing the generational patriarchy they had been schooled in by their forefathers is also not OK.

In the fight for "freedoms" I think we have sometimes fought the wrong people. Likewise,  in the "battle of the sexes", women have no training and had to pitch themselves against soldiers, in every sense of the word. That woman ever had to fight for what was stolen from them centuries ago, their "God-given rights" is downright unfair.

Now, I am not decrying or sweeping under the carpet, any of the hard-won victories that our women have won for us in the past, even if they did have to behave like men to get them.  Some have even been martyred, assassinated, which equals the same thing in most cases, and even imprisoned. I would certainly not have the opportunities I have now if it weren't for these ruthless fights. But in the scramble for equality have woman lost their feminine edge? The fights that were won, created a significant power shift and women had more freedoms and opportunities. However, in the past 20 or so years, I think men have just become more subversive and dangerous in their war against women. The obvious case in recent times in the overturning of the Roe v Wade legislation. Who would have ever thought that such an important right for women and their bodies could be snatched away, virtually overnight.

Recently,  we have seen Sean "Puff Daddy" Coombes indicted with at least 120 charges ranging from sex trafficking, prostitution, rape, sex with minors and that is just for starters.  He has been denied bail as he has a history of threatening and intimidating witnesses.  How can this happen in our so called enlightened and educated times. Young girls being groomed and lured to "celebrity" parties, plied with alcohol and drugs then made to have "consensual sex" with any number of partners, all strangers and often twice their age. It really does sadden me. Puff Daddy has pled not guilty to all charges. We are still having to teach our daughters boundaries and how to protect themselves and be "safe". Is anyone teaching their sons that no means no and how to conduct themselves safely amongst young women. The veepee of the republicans recently stated that "rape can be inconvenient". Really? Who raised this moron? No wonder women are still mad. The words of a possible future leader in the "free world". 

In books, we frequently find that the female lead character is brittle, angry, defies authority, especially male authority and can't hold down a healthy relationship because she can't find the perfect man. These are in best-selling novels too! I know because I read them and while it's a good story, I find my heroines wanting. Yet, this is what sells. Angry role models in a struggling society still controlled, unfairly and unequally by men. So even literature has its own strange and warped pedagogy. 

Celebrities are the new leaders and influencers these days, ie. Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris. Opinion is divided on whether this was beneficial for Kamala. My thought is, Yes, it is. Celebrities have this much pull! People look to them and worship them in much the same way that man has always bowed his head in prayer to a statue. However, power in the hands of misguided celebrities can be very damaging. Although it was not surprising to see Kanye West and Russell Brand's endorsement of Trump, both men being well known misogynists.

Therefore, is it possible that the heightened cult of celebrity that is rapidly rising throughout the world, could become the next enemy of feminism?





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