If you do want to dance with the devil....a cautionary word.
Hasn't this blog got a great title?
You will want to read it,either to avoid dancing with the devil or because you want to see how audacious I can be when writing on such a loaded subject.

All explanations intended to extend caution or glamourise a more risky evil, flying in the face of God, intentionally sinning.
One of the creepiest but insanely best lines was uttered by Jack Nicholson playing the The Joker, in the 1989 Tim Burton, Batman movie.
"Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" He chuckles into the ear of a weak and fainting, Vicky Vale, played most excellently by Kim Basinger.
To me, he seems to be implying, "Well Honey, if you haven't before you sure are now !!! "Argh, argh, argh !" Bad Joker, clever Jack Nicholson.
Thank God for the appearance of Batman to save her life from the evil and demented Joker.
I have tried looking up the meaning or origin of this saying and it is a bit obscure.
There is a lot of Christian input and debate around this and mostly they trying to literally tie the saying to the evil linking it to dancing, particularly, I assume, rock'n'roll dancing.
The best explanation that I could find to more clearly explain this was, "to knowingly partake of something immoral or evil, knowing there will be a bad outcome but continuing on any way" and a further continuation, "that once having knowingly committed wrong or evil, don't be surprised if more comes your way".
Another similar saying goes, "if you dance with the devil, remember it's he who calls the tune."
So perhaps you won't be able to stop the dance until he says so. Or if the tune gets changed to another one that you are not so keen to keep dancing to, especially, perhaps with a different dance partner, you mightn't be able to get away.
Imagine going to a party, getting drunk, getting into a car with a drunk driver, that you don't know.
You head off to another party, where there are people you don't know and you get a bit drunker,
can you see what might happen. By the end of the night you are in the middle of nowhere, with people you have never met and there is no one left to drive you home. It's the stuff of horror movies really, yet dance we sometimes do, off into the pale moonlight with some Joker.
Isn't this a creepy poster?
"I'm not a monster, I'm just ahead of the curve." Another Joker quote from The Dark Knight movie.
I'm thinking he is trying to say something along the lines of, "I'm not evil just misunderstood."
I imagine terrorist bombers have thought this very same thing, even long after they are caught.
Some people think that to first achieve goodness in the world, unspeakable acts must be performed, ethnic cleansing being a particularly nasty action from this school of thought.
It takes a certain amount of effort to fool yourself and an even bigger one to fool those around you.
Woe betide those caught dancing with the devil once the sun comes out and the fun evaporates into the shadows, like so much dew, rapidly drying on old grass.
It is then we realise that pleasure has been fleeting and the Jokers of life have sucked precious jewels from our souls, forever lost, leaving holes that can now, never be filled.
" Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also - Matthew 6 v 19-21
Great writing Debby. Sobering and true. Great anology and truth. Life isn't a Joke rrrrr its here for us to walk with God.