
Showing posts from December, 2019

We mourn not for what we have lost

"We mourn not for what we have lost but for we thought we should have had." - Millie Pariri Many years ago at the end of my second marriage, when I was feeling a bit sad, I realised that I wasn't sad because my marriage was over, I was sad because I had never really had a happy marriage to now mourn. In fact, I was mourning for something that I thought that I should have had and possibly all the wasted years that I had lost trying to get it. I mourned for the happy marriage that I had been denied, that I'd "missed" out on and now had lost all hope of having, at least with that person. I was in fact mourning a dead dream. A very big one and now a very dead one - the dream and the marriage. This year I have pondered and prayed, read, examined and wrestled over disappointment - it's causes and consequences. Disappointment is, to me and others, the root of all letdowns and tears. In recent times I haven't been too disappointed either by others


Cracking crawfish, sinking Johnnie Walker, bombs away, till the pinkness of a new dawn creeps over a river of Life. Banishing ghosts of ancestors, as a sun rises over willows sweeping the days gone by. Make me as copacetic as humble pie, brimming with cream, spilling the fruits of our labours, that buried the shame of too much excess, the nights forgotten, down by the banks of sunsets lost. Let copacetic reign on a new day full of mercy. I am excellent, in order, seething with life, screaming a pardon of love over the waves of dread. Crushing spite, spitting bullets, hoping against death that another day will rise, sinking transgressions beneath barrels of pain, then I will sigh… copacetic as a big Mon, noble as an Oak on the big Bayou.