We mourn not for what we have lost

"We mourn not for what we have lost but for we thought we should have had." - Millie Pariri Many years ago at the end of my second marriage, when I was feeling a bit sad, I realised that I wasn't sad because my marriage was over, I was sad because I had never really had a happy marriage to now mourn. In fact, I was mourning for something that I thought that I should have had and possibly all the wasted years that I had lost trying to get it. I mourned for the happy marriage that I had been denied, that I'd "missed" out on and now had lost all hope of having, at least with that person. I was in fact mourning a dead dream. A very big one and now a very dead one - the dream and the marriage. This year I have pondered and prayed, read, examined and wrestled over disappointment - it's causes and consequences. Disappointment is, to me and others, the root of all letdowns and tears. In recent times I haven't been too disappointed either by others...