If you do want to dance with the devil....a cautionary word.

Hasn't this blog got a great title? You will want to read it,either to avoid dancing with the devil or because you want to see how audacious I can be when writing on such a loaded subject. We have all heard the saying, "dance with the devil", and it seems to imply courting danger, running close to a risky and perilous wind, perching on the knife edge of death and similar metaphorical catch phrases. All explanations intended to extend caution or glamourise a more risky evil, flying in the face of God, intentionally sinning. One of the creepiest but insanely best lines was uttered by Jack Nicholson playing the The Joker, in the 1989 Tim Burton, Batman movie. "Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" He chuckles into the ear of a weak and fainting, Vicky Vale, played most excellently by Kim Basinger. To me, he seems to be implying, "Well Honey, if you haven't before you sure are now !!! "Argh, argh, argh !" Bad Joker, ...