Turf Wars - elections, war and rugby

We've woken to several news items on the morning of Sunday 15 October, 2023. Firstly, our beautiful country and home, Aotearoa, is blue, politically, which is kind of ironic, blue being the black power gang colour and the National party being so anti-gangs. It was kind of like a gang stand off last night, in a way, all these patched up fullahs, from their respective red and blue gangs, in their fancy suits, shouting threats at each other, trying to take over one another's turf. A turf that has never belonged to them in the first place. Tangatawhenua! The next scary news item is that Iran is warning Israel to back off, "before it's too late". Whatever the hell do they mean? I think we know what the Iranians mean, and it's not good. More fighting over turf. Two gangs or nations, tribes, families, patched up, shouting and shooting at each other, only this time it's real bullets and not just idle threats. They don't wear leather jackets and their bodies ...