Waiting for a widower

I need to stay off "the net"- it gets dark out there, and not, "the darknet", the everyday posts that pop up and up and up, and sometimes bring you down, like "IT" the scary clown. Because there was this post I saw today, it did quite take my breathe away. There was this lady in a wedding dress, and in her post this is what she said, "I'm waiting for a bridegroom, as soon as his wife drops dead; or the casualty of a recent divorce, some lucky chap to fill my bed." Yes, I know my fellow reader, my mouth it fell to the floor, I wish that was the end of it, but sorry, there was more. The post it was on facebook, it was public for all the world to see, the lady had tagged a hoard of people, and one of them was me. I don't know why she tagged me, I have no husband, I'm alone, but maybe she thought if she threw it out there, her post would lure some poor guy home. I don't mean to be bitchy, that's not my intention here, but as...