he is NOT one of us

U2 tribute to the 51 victims from their 2019 NZ concer t 27 August 2023 Today will mark the three year anniversary for the sentencing of New Zealand's worst terrorist, and the biggest mass murderer in our history. Those killings are now sadly recalled as "The Christchurch Mosque Shootings". Fifty one people lost their lives that day and many more were injured. Families were destroyed by loss, trauma, grief and for some there was a financial loss almost as hard to bare as the life of their loved one. "19 minutes of terror", was one headline. 19 minutes took away thousands of years of human life and thousands more to come. On that terrible day, Friday 15 March 2019, I lost a lifelong friend of over 35 years. My heart was broken so badly when I found out that she had died, I could barely breath. I could hardly grieve, the shock was so appa...