Saint Millie's Epistle to the Aotearoans

In the foamy and rowdy wake from the resignation of our esteemed leader, PM Jacinda Adern, I have been imagining to myself how a modern-day epistle from Saint Paul, the new testament letter writer would read. Bearing in mind that Paul was a learned man, well studied in theology, a social commentator for his time and an accurate essayist of the political and cultural climate, plus an advocate for the disadvantaged and certainly not a misogynist. A man of relevance and intelligence, someone that I would enjoy a little chin wag with over a glass of Pinot Noir from a local vintner. Because it's the 21st century and I possibly face copyright issues in using Paul's name and title, the letter to the Aotearoans is written by Saint Millie of Pariri, as women can be Saints now, as well as Pastors, Vicars and Prime Ministers. They make damn fine ones too! Of course we have yet to see the feminine grace sit in the big chair at the oval office but let's hopes she black, and a liberal Ch...