Is criminalising abortion really the answer?

Overnight the Roe vs Wade ruling was overthrown, previously women were able to legally obtain an abortion up 15 weeks, and there were conditions, safety checks in place, etc. After 50 years of legalised abortion in the States, it is now going to become, almost illegal and may in the coming days, be considered a criminal offence, depending on what State you live in. The decision made in the US Supreme, came from a team of six men and three women. The pro-choice, pro-abortion team have been wailing, weeping, moaning and decrying what they see as an abomination against woman 's bodies and rights. Alongside them, the anit-abortion, anti-choice, team have been singing, dancing, and waving their equally inflammatory, brightly coloured placards, celebrating this win for the unborn child. All of this has taken place outside the White House, and similarly in cities and small towns across America. I am sure by this days' end there will be arrests as tempers escalate...