
Showing posts from 2022

The Censor Ship

For more than half my life, I have been aware of that we are being watched, monitored, listened too. Big Brother is real and that, he/it/they, have been around longer than Orwell's famous "1984" novel that was published in 1949. The big brothers were alive and well during both world wars, and they were called spies. Throughout history there having always been narcs, spies, informers. We called them "tell-tale tits" when I was at school. According to the rhyme, their tongues would split and along would come a puppy dog and eat up it. Creepy really, but a warning, none the less, of the perils of gossip and the further punishment of spying on, and ratting out your friends. Of course, Judas Iscariot has to be one of the most infamous spies in the Bible for ratting out Jesus, and we all know how that ended for him, and also Jesus. Once upon a time, government agencies would tap phone calls (by listening in on unsuspecting peoples talk),  and open and read personal ma...

It's starting to feel a lot like 1984

                                                       So,  it's Christmas time, and we have all nearly finished our pressie shopping, and we are starting to prepare the annual Christmas Day feast that we have waited all year to eat. It's a wonderful time of the year, but for some of us, due to the jolly, jerking Bots in the Metacurse of Farce-book, it's starting to feel a lot like 1984! Recently, a friend and I were lamenting the dismal state of holiday TV, and the fact that we would have to watch repeat romcoms from last century, two nights in a bloody row! I joked that I was going to watch the violent and highly entertaining, John Wick movie this Christmas. She agreed it was the better choice and laughed that we should kick the lead romcom actor out. Always one for a smart-arsey comeback, I suggested we choot him. Whereupon, I was issued an ...

Why Can't We Scream In Public

 I wrote this blog entry over 10 years ago. What I was addressing at the time was the "silent screamers" that live among us, the helpless, the voiceless, and while they are still there, people are now beginning to scream in public, and often. Not a week goes by when there isn't a protest, a rally, a gathering of outraged people shouting and yelling and screaming their frustrations and anger at life, the government, the farmers, one another; you name it, they're making a loud and angry noise. Over the weekend we saw the Freedom coalition block the Southern motorway for several hours. This only caused many drivers, people that were heading out for a happy Saturday drive, to shout angrily back at them, and hurl "objects and abuse"; literally the drivers began to scream publicly at total strangers. Is screaming in public the correct way to earn freedom? Anger spreads quickly, so does frustration, foul language and "screaming in public". There is a Bibl...

Is criminalising abortion really the answer?

  Overnight the Roe vs Wade ruling was overthrown, previously women were able to legally  obtain an abortion up 15 weeks, and there were conditions, safety checks in place, etc.  After 50 years of legalised abortion in the States, it is now going to become, almost illegal and  may in the coming days, be considered a criminal offence, depending on what State you live in. The decision made in the US Supreme, came from a team of six men and three women. The pro-choice, pro-abortion team have been wailing, weeping, moaning and decrying what they see as an abomination against woman 's bodies and rights. Alongside them, the anit-abortion, anti-choice, team have been singing, dancing, and waving their equally inflammatory, brightly coloured placards, celebrating this win for the unborn child.  All of this has taken place outside the White House, and similarly in cities and small towns across America. I am sure by this days' end there will be arrests as tempers escalate...