The Censor Ship

For more than half my life, I have been aware of that we are being watched, monitored, listened too. Big Brother is real and that, he/it/they, have been around longer than Orwell's famous "1984" novel that was published in 1949. The big brothers were alive and well during both world wars, and they were called spies. Throughout history there having always been narcs, spies, informers. We called them "tell-tale tits" when I was at school. According to the rhyme, their tongues would split and along would come a puppy dog and eat up it. Creepy really, but a warning, none the less, of the perils of gossip and the further punishment of spying on, and ratting out your friends. Of course, Judas Iscariot has to be one of the most infamous spies in the Bible for ratting out Jesus, and we all know how that ended for him, and also Jesus. Once upon a time, government agencies would tap phone calls (by listening in on unsuspecting peoples talk), and open and read personal ma...