Birthday Celebrations in a Bubble

Wow! So it’s taken over 50 years but finally, I have been grounded and I can’t go out on my birthday. Mind you, it took a Prime Minister to make this happen. Many have previously tried, all failed! This grounding is not going to stop me from having a party- a very small one that is, inside my social bubble of two, and I decided that maybe my dog can indeed come into the house for 5 minutes while I blow the candles out on my birthday pavlova. Just because we are in lockdown is every reason to put on my favorite dress and some makeup, a squirt or two of my favorite perfume and off I go, out to dinner in “The Kitchen”. Yes, this evening I am stepping out of my bedroom/study to dine with my son who is downing tools (putting down the controller and headset for his PS4) and traveling all the way across the house from the living room to have a birthday dinner with me in The Kitchen. Yesterday I dressed up and braved the supermarket to buy some goodies for my “party” - birthday candle...