I Don't Want to go to the Cemetery

I don't want to go to the cemetery, but I will, and stand by your grave in the cold, with dying flowers in my hand. It's lonely and cloudy with no one about, my flowers will die in the rain. just like hope did on a grey June day. I don't want to visit the cemetery, you're not there, and I can hum Green Day songs till I'm a basket case, but I will hope against hope, and pull you from my memories, till you laugh out loud, and all becomes well with my soul. I will put on some loud music, pour a drink while you tune your guitar, then you can play something fast, and my friends will all dance, together, with all of our hearts. We know you are just missing not gone, absent, unforgotten, a pearl of great price, carried in our hearts, precious cargo, waiting at another station. Resting, till we all arrive, glorious, loud and happy to be home, at last, with you, beloved boy, missing brother, loyal friend, and eternal companio...